2023-09-08 23:27:15 作者: 陳之遙
「When I first saw you, you looked like a crazy teenage model protected by a knight in Prada. And the 2nd time, you suddenly turned to a Cinderella running away before the midnight for her true love…」
「Am I that shallow?」 我反問,「But I’m really impressed that you still remember every details about a girl you met 4 years ago.」
「I have a good memory,」 他有點得意,「I can call the name of each staff in this building.」
「Because they all have a badge on their uniform with their name on it?」我完全放開了,跟他開起玩笑。
他笑起來,然後正色說到: 「I am a guy devoted to the pursuit of pleasure, but first of all a business man. You know it’s impossible for me to mix up the business and the girls. So let’s get the things straight, what do you want for tonight?」
我想了想回答:「Actually, I have never thought about spending night here. I’m only hoping you returning a small favor for this bowtie, which costs 2 day’s pay of a first year accountant like me.」
2008-11-02 16:24:50(第69樓)
[原創]這是一支別離的歌 -New York to Paris-全文完
「Favor? For yourself or for your friend?」
「Actually I don’t know much about his plan, and I’m not expecting you giving him money or doing business with him.」
「I want you to give him 30 minutes, let him talk about his proposal, and ask him one question.」
「Thing’s getting funny. What’s the question?」
「Ask him to sacrifice me for his business plan. You know how to do this.」
「Why should I play this vicious & sick role? 」
「I may not know a lot about the riches. But according to the films and the soap operas, they love the twisted tests of humanity.」
[ 本帖最後由 插ntelchen 於 08-11-2 16:51 編輯 ]
2008-11-02 16:47:12(第70樓)
[原創]這是一支別離的歌 -New York to Paris-全文完
2008-11-02 21:40:36(第71樓)
[原創]這是一支別離的歌 -New York to Paris-全文完
「So you only want the answer.」 Huderson說道,「You will get it, but…I have a hunch … it will be the most unexpected answer.」 他揚起一邊嘴角笑起來,露出一點點左邊的尖齒。我突然明白幾年前為什麼會在那個數百人的派對上選中他,他身上有一些地方和周君彥有點像。兩個人都很高,習慣於眾人的目光集中在他們身上,毫不畏縮,甚至有點無所謂的態度。
我也笑,伸手摸了摸他襯衣領子下的領結,回答:「如果他同意,那我絕不會是他的,他沒法拿我來交換。如果他反對,我也不會是你的。所以你恐怕什麼也得不到。Cheer up,這就是個幾百塊的小買賣,一個領結換一個問題。」
她沒理我的提議,反而問我:「He didn’t offer you a limo to get you home?」
我被問的有點鬱悶,說:「He’s …just a guy I know from work.」
「Yeah, that looked like work.」
「You’re making a big deal out of nothing.」 我有點火了。
「The glamazon’s crazy about the richest. I can understand, it happens everyday around me. But you, I don’t get you, girl. You have Lin, he’s not only loving you, he embraces you, giving you the love you will never get from the others real men. He makes you strong and special , even if you are none of those things…」
「Where are you going ?」 她在我身後問。
「Somewhere people don’t judge me.」我冷冷的回答。我早知道她很喜歡林晰,如果不是我,他們可能早就是一對兒了,所以這死丫頭表面跟我挺好,心裡總是有些芥蒂,喜歡說我這個那個的。我看不慣她也很久了,終於忍不住了,不跟她廢話,就是要氣死她。