
2023-10-01 08:31:44 作者: 一笑YeShell


    小江:還是個外地電話,好像是Prince George的。(寫下電話號碼,遞給胡楊。)

    胡楊:Prince George?那裡我好像不認識誰呀?






    夏洛特:Are you all right (你們沒事吧?)

    菲爾:No problem. They stopped us, comparing my face with John’s picture, checking everything in the backpacks. They asked why we ran away from them. (沒事。他們攔住了我們,用劉俊豪的照片對照我的臉,檢查了背包里的所有東西。他們問我們為什麼要跑。)

    戴安:I told them we were just scared by them. They released us when they found that we are UNBC students. (我告訴他們,我們是被被他們嚇著了。當他們發現我們是北不列顛哥倫比亞大學的學生時,就把我們給放了。)

    夏洛特:Did you get any message from Adams (亞當斯他們有什麼消息沒有?)

    學生甲:No, not yet. (還沒有。)

    第10章 第10集 一定要到班芙去Dying to Visit Banff





    列車員:Okay, everybody, our train is running towards the special site of Canada’s history. Does anybody knows what it is (大家好!列車正向著加拿大歷史上有特殊意義的地點駛去。有誰知道這是什麼地方?)

    乘客甲:The last spike. (最後一棵枕釘。)

    列車員:That’s right! The last spike at Craigellachie for Canadian Pacific Railway that connects the eastern and western coasts of the country. On November 7, 1885, more than 120 years ago, Mr. Donald Smith hammered the last spike in the tie. This historical moment meant an important step toward the founding of the nation in a union. (正確!就是在克萊格拉奇的最後一顆枕釘,這顆釘標誌著連接了加拿大東西海岸的鐵路――加拿大太平洋鐵路的開通。在120多年前的1885年11月7日,唐納德史密斯先生將最後一顆枕釘錘進枕木里。這個歷史時刻意味著建立一個統一國家的重要一步。)

    乘客乙:But I don’t think Mr. Smith accomplished this historical moment in one blow. (但我認為,這個重要的歷史時刻,史密斯先生並沒有「一錘定音」。)

    列車員:Sir, you must be really good at Social Study. Yes, you are right. Mr. Smith didn’t make history in one blow. Being a trader first and politician later but not a tracklayer, Mr. Smith’s first attempt bent the spike badly and it had to be replaced. However, his second attempt succeeded and drove the last spike home. (先生,你上學時社會學一定學得不錯。你說的不錯,史密斯先生並沒有一錘就創造了歷史。他是一個商人和政治家,並非鋪軌工人,史密斯先生的第一錘嚴重砸彎了枕釘,以至於不得不換一顆。不過他的第二錘成功地將最後一顆枕釘錘進枕木去了。)

    乘客丙:Is this last spike preserved (這最後一顆枕釘還在嗎?)

    列車員:No, it was not. But the bent second-to-last spike is. The Smith family retained that spike and presented it to Canada’s National Museum of Science and Technology 100 years later. (不,不在了。但是,那顆彎曲了的、倒數第二顆枕釘被史密斯先生的家人保留了。100年後,他們將它捐給了加拿大科學技術博物館收藏。)

    列車員走到辛笛兒跟前,問:Miss, where are you from (小姐請問是哪裡人?)

    辛笛兒:I am from China. (我是中國人。)

    列車員跟辛笛兒握手,接著道:I am so proud and so sad to talk about the Chinese workers who took part in construction of the railway. Their totally number was more than 10,000, and about 4,000 of which died in the ordeal. They lived in substandard facilities and worked the most dangerous jobs. Their contribution to our country was unique and we are proud of them. (談起當年參加鐵路建設的中國工人,我既感到非常驕傲,同時也非常傷心。中國工人的總數超過一萬人,其中大約4千人死於非命。他們生活在艱苦的條件下,乾的卻是最危險的活。他們對我們國家的貢獻是無法替代的,我為他們感到驕傲。)


    列車員:Now, we are crossing the Eagle Pass and then the famous Rogers Pass…(現在,我們正朝鷹通道和羅傑士通道開去……)

    溫哥華布拉德入口海灣(Burrard Inlet)、本納比海邊公園(Marine Park)。海灣風光,遊船,岸邊沙灘上戲水的兒童,林間空地上燒烤的人們。